Qualcomm released the Snapdragon 750G, a 5G-enabled processor designed specifically for mid-range smartphones rather than high-end devices that may use Snapdragon 765G. The key feature is the updated 4 TOPS (Trillion Operations Per Second) artificial intelligence system, which can perform echo cancellation and background vocal noise suppression for games, chats and voice assistants. Qualcomm says it can filter noise such as “buildings, children, or barking dogs,” so that listeners can only hear you.
Thanks to the new Adreno 619 GPU and Kryo 750 CPU, the new chip provides 20% CPU and 10% GPU improvement than Snapdragon 730G. Just like Snapdragon 765G, it supports mmWave and 5G below 6 GHz, as well as TDD, FDD, dynamic spectrum sharing and multiple SIM card support. All these alphabet soups mean that the chip should be able to be used with 5G in most parts of the world, with speeds up to 3.7 Gbps.
It also supports HDR and Qualcomm’s low-latency “elite gaming” function, as well as optional WiFi 6, dual-band GNSS and Qualcomm’s Quick Charge 4+ technology (you can charge your phone to 50% of the battery in 15 minutes).
Since it is located below the Snapdragon 765G, which is used in devices such as the $500 OnePlus Nord and LG’s $600 Velvet 5G, you can see the Snapdragon 750G in the device or below these prices. Qualcomm said it should start entering the mobile phone market by the end of 2020.